Monday, January 14, 2019

Who are your favorite Harry Potter characters?

I hear this discussed a lot among my near and dear.

So I want to know? Who are your favorite Harry Potter characters?

List your top 3 as a comment on this post. They can be a primary character like Harry or Dumbledore. They can be someone who shows up from time to time or hasn't been around since Book 2. Or someone obscure.

Rank your favorite as No. 1 and so on.

Hoping for good participation. If so, I will compile a top 5 or 10 of favorite characters of readers of this blog.


  1. 1. Ron Weasley
    2. Professor McGonagall
    3. Remus Lupin

  2. Interesting choices. I know you wish you could be McGonagall.

  3. 1. Molly Weasley
    2. Hermionie Granger
    3. Neville Longbottom

  4. Thanks for your list. Two completely different ones so far.

  5. 1. Severus Snape
    2. Harry
    3. Sirius Black

  6. And another list with no repeat names.

  7. 1. Harry
    2. Fred and George
    3. Dumbledore
