Saturday, January 12, 2019

Hagrid, Quidditch, Detention: Just a typical Saturday

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceChapter 11
So N.E.W.T level classes are kinda like grad school. More difficult and the busiest you've ever been. Been there, done that, don't want to do it again.

Yet, you do allow yourself to make time for things you really love. At Hogwarts that means old friends and Quidditch.

Making amends with Hagrid -- even if they didn't do anything wrong -- was obviously important to the dream team. Their cautious, patient approach was wise. When a guy gets upset over a giant spider facing death and has empathy for dumb giant, you must tread lightly. The bigger they are, the harder the emotions are to overcome.

Being Quidditch captain stresses Harry as much as anything else. But he shows the firmness a captain/coach has to show.

For Ron's sake -- and I'm not typically empathetic toward Ron -- I hope he never finds out that Hermione helped him earn his spot on the team. I will give him this: Ron deserves props for being willing to be on the team and face the Slytherin hate. Haters gonna hate, and apparently Ron doesn't care so much anymore.

Of course, that doesn't stop Ron from moping about not being invited to a party that the others don't want to attend. At least he doesn't have to endure detention with Snape sorting rotten flobberworms from good ones.


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