Tuesday, February 26, 2013

More questions with no answers

Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixChapter 22

Fans of the Weasley family, this must have been a difficult chapter for you to not peek ahead. I was expecting this to start being the point where the author started killing off characters. Alas, Arthur was saved.

Not sure what to make of Harry seeing what Voldemort's snake sees and the feeling he had toward Dumbledore just before the portkey sent him to see Sirius. I suspect Dumbledore knows or at least strongly suspects, but he's not telling. He's very much into the protocol of need to know.

We're left to think that maybe Voldemort has a way of possessing Harry, according to Moody. I suppose it could something like that, but not exactly. This is one of those chapters that makes you ask questions, makes you want to go right to the next page and keep reading as if  the answer will be there. But I'm sure it's not. It's just another clue, to lead you to another clue, etc.

But I will ask this question. Why would Voldemort want Harry to see this if it meant Arthur would be saved from death? That doesn't fit.

And the key to solving mysteries is figuring out what doesn't fit and why.


  1. ALAS??? Arthur!! SO glad she didn't kill him off.

  2. You ask good questions. And as happens every time you come back out of hiding, I feel the need to read the books again. Welcome back!

  3. Good to be back. Hope I can keep the momentum going through to the end by sometime this summer.
