It's probably good for Harry that Sirius is staying in touch. Not sure what he's going to need him for, but I can only assume he will need his assistance one day.
OK, some observations on the ball.
- Hey, I got a prediction right. Hermione shows up on Krum's arm. I surmise from the descriptions that Hermione was the belle of the ball or close to it.
- Harry and Ron turned out to be nothing close to dream dates. They raised ignoring to a new level.
- Balls are always a good place for eavesdropping. What were Snape and Karkaroff talking about? I won't venture a guess here.
- Rita Skeeter, or one of her informants, must have been hiding in the bushes when Hagrid gave away his giant secret.
- Cedric seems like a good bloke after giving Harry a hint about the egg.
- Hermione had a lovely time at the ball, but in the end she sounds as if she would have rather gone with someone else. I can't imagine why.
I tried to get Rita Skeeter fired, but she is obviously selling papers. Her hearsay piece on Hagrid has made everyone on Harry's side of things at Hogwarts realize that Rita can be trusted to twist the facts - or simply make them up.
I would have liked to be at The Three Broomsticks when Harry and Hermione told her off. I might have had a few things to say myself.
I do wonder what Bagman is up to, if anything. He's acting strangely, but maybe he's just strange. Maybe it's Crouch we need to keep a Mad-Eye on.
As for Hagrid, I should have known Dumbledore, great man that Dumbledore, could be found at Hagrid's house telling him the truth. I can't imagine Hagrid going against Dumbledore and not showing up for class on Monday.
And Harry's chosen to take Cedric's advice. Everyone can always do for a little pride shelving.