Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sneakin', freakin' and odd

Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixChapter 21

In the forest they sneak
Under the mistletoe freak
In his dreams it's bleak

Hagrid's mysterious walk into the woods in search of an elusive creature reminded me of one of my favorite TV shows. Then his shrieking cry cinched it. It was like watching an episode of "Finding Bigfoot" on Animal Planet. Yes, my DVR is set to record every new episode, but don't judge me. I love the mystery.

The Bigfoot researchers are always sneaking into the woods and night and making these loud calls. Sometimes they get a reply, presumably from a Bigfoot. And if you've watched it, Bobo is the show's Hagrid. Actually, Hagrid would make a great Bigfooter. He's actually bigger than Bigfoots are. I bet he could find one.

Of course, the High Instigator shows up and makes more wild assumptions. Somebody needs to feed her that clipboard. I'm sure her fake smile is wide enough to accommodate.

Then it's off to spells practice for the D.A., and the awkward moment of the year between Cho and Harry. So high school.

The end of the chapter, however, reveals an odd occurence. Apparently, Voldemort's pet snake has attacked Mr. Weasley somewhere. Hope the chap is all right for his sake and for the sake of the Order of the Phoenix. It's good to have someone working inside the ministry, and Voldemort, of course, doesn't want anyone in the Order to see what he's doing there.

McGonagall has the sense to know Harry's not just dreaming. Umbridge, of course, would feign a different view, but thankfully she's off dreaming up ways to make everyone's life miserable.

That's the one thing she's good at.

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