Friday, February 22, 2013

Giants, footprints and Dolores, oh my

Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixChapter 20

Ol' Hagrid can' help but tell his story, and thats wha' we love abou' him. The deep secrets he thinks have been entrusted to him only last until his little cloaked friends come for a visit. Getting him to spill the beans is about as easy as getting Dudley to eat dessert.

Quite a tall (pun intended) tale Hagrid had to tell about his visit to the "Land of the Giants" with his girlfriend. I get the idea that the brain of a giant is disproportionate to its size. Not sure what an alliance with these big, dumb idiots will do for either side unless there's a spell to stop them killing each other. Giant-on-giant crime seems to be a real problem in remote mountain valleys.

But nothing, it seems, is too remote for the High Instigator not to shove her uninvited nose in to. I think Harry and friends should tie our fake-smiling friend up in the invisibility cloak after stealing her wand and casting a spell that ties her tongue in a knot. I assume there's some kind of chandelier in the Great Hall they could hang her from indefinitely. No one else would know she's there, and it can be their giant secret. Just don't tell Hagrid.

But I'm dreaming.

I supposed her highness will go on inquisiting and instigating against the D.A.

She's a mean one (kinda like the Grinch).

p.s. Anybody know where I can get a good dragon steak? Sounds like good eatin'.

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