Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Too many foes

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 12

Help me here.

Is it worse for a teenager to deal with evil dark lords or politics?

My answer for now is politics. Luke Skywalker, I think, had it easier than Harry Potter. Luke knew who the enemy was. His battles were mostly one on one with the straight-up bad guys. Harry, however, has to dance with Dolores Umbridge and the entire Ministry of Magic. He knows Voldemort is the real bad guy, but he also has to fight against either ignorance or corruption in the ministry.

It's hard for a 15-year-old to sit on the truth and be politically correct. It's too bad that living the other way becomes easier as adults, but then Harry has had to live like an adult for a long time. So Harry has to sit and take it from Umbridge in detention and class and anywhere else they might meet. I'm sure she was the good spy and sent off a note to Fudge right after class reporting about Harry's outburst.

I assume Umbridge will be a battle this entire school year. Only a run-in with Voldemort himself is likely to make her believe that the dark side is back in business. Unless she's part of the conspiracy. At this point, who knows.

"Bring 'em on, I'd prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around." (Extra credit if you can tell me who said that.)

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