Monday, December 26, 2011

This is getting to be old hat

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 11

I see the next chapter is titled "Professor Umbridge," but we already got a rude introduction to her. She seems rather self-important, not an entirely unprecedented trait for a professor of defense against the dark arts. Apparently we'll be learning more in Chapter 12 about this charming witch. Prof. Umbridge has certainly taken umbrage at the leadership of Dumbledore, good man that Dumbledore.

And IN CASE YOU MISSED the Umbridge speech, the ever-clever Hermione gave us an interpretation. She did tell us she works for Fudge, an interesting note.

Of course, before the Umbridge illumination, the sorting hat, as we know, purports to have a touch of omniscience. So the hat predicts a rough year ahead: Thanks for that insight. Didn't see that coming.  (OK, enough with the sarcasm. Don't want to be called a hater.)

Poor Harry (sorry for more sarcasm), always the reluctant hero/celebrity.. Everybody snickering at him and talking behind his back. It's just not fair. Do you suppose he was sucking his thumb behind those curtains around his bed? Sorry, sorry for that nasty remark. I know he's only 15.

OK, let's move on and see what the Order of the Phoenix has planned. I'm sure Harry will snap out of his self-pitying funk. He usually does enough to get the job done.

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