Thursday, December 27, 2018

Communication is a wonderful thing

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceChapter 5
What we've had to endure here for chapter after chapter and book after book has been a failure to communicate.

Suddenly, everybody's sharing and following instructions. Someone must have cast a spell to loosen tongues and wills. That's the only thing I can figure.

At the end of Chapter 4, Dumbledore takes Harry to the woodshed not to punish him but to praise him for his handling of the battle with the Death Eaters at the ministry. Then he tells Harry to tell Ron and Hermione about the prophecy.

And not just that he knows what it is but the really big thing: Harry has to kill Voldemort because ... Neither can live while the other survives.

And in a shocking turn of events in Chapter 5, Harry actually tells them the first chance he gets. I figure they'd be in a tight spot somewhere before Harry would tell them. And he'd be in forehead pain. And they'd get mad because he didn't tell them sooner. And maybe they wouldn't believe him.

But that's all been averted in the comfort of the burrow. Now everybody who matters knows the prophecy. Others will surely need to know in time, but for now at least our little group is on the same page. And they even took the news well that Harry gets one-on-one training with Dumbledore. Our young friends are maturing.

Meanwhile, the O.W.L. results are generally good. Harry's are a little better than Ron's even though Harry doesn't get to train to be an Auror. And Hermione ... of course, she's almost perfect. She can become just about whatever she wants. Probably be Minister of Magic some day.

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