Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 31
One of my daughters peeked over my shoulder yesterday to see me reading the chapter titled O.W.L.s. "Hmmm ... O.W.L.s," she said and spelled it. I was reading it as a word like you would an acronym such as NATO or Taser.
So which is it? Do you spell it when you say it or do you say it as the word it spells? A deep question, I know, but I suppose I will have to wait till I can watch the movie to know for sure. Hopefully that will be in about a week.
On to more pressing questions:
- How long before Ron quits retelling his Quidditch heroics?
- How long before Grawp is discovered?
- How did everyone do on their O.W.L.s?
- Will the High Instigator get in trouble for her midnight vigilantism that chased off Hagrid and felled McGonagall?
- Where and when will Hagrid reappear?
We know that Voldemort is inflicting the unforgiveable Crucio! curse on Sirius. Nasty old V wants Sirius to give him something. Not sure what it is or if I should know. But it must be crucial. I do think Harry finally saw more because he wasn't trying to fall asleep and his guard was down.
The other question is will Harry tell anyone what he saw? Maybe because Sirius was in trouble he will tell him. But you never can tell with this bunch what they will share and what they will keep to themselves. They live by a code of need-to-know and afraid-to-tell.
Whatever happens, I'm sure such a public display by Harry will produce more questions than you can shake a wand at.
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