Monday, July 18, 2011

The postman rings twice

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 9

He got off, he did
Harry Potter is going to Hogwarts
More trouble ahead

So much to celebrate at the House of Black. The decontamination, of course, is forging ahead. Sounds like they could get some EPA galleons as a Superfund site, or, at the least, some hazmat suits.

There was little time to celebrate Harry’s innocence. The unexpected prefect news brought great joy to the Weasley household, and some humor from the underachieving twins. I’m not a big fan of Ron, but I agree that it was nice for him to catch a break. Yeah, he’s a good friend to Harry, but he does complain and whine and sulk quite often.

Hermione’s selection was certainly not surprising. She will be the perfect prefect. At least that’s what’s expected.

I’m wondering what being prefects will mean for Ron and Hermione. Will they be able to help Harry when helping Harry requires breaking a rule? Or maybe this is part of the Order’s plan. While they won’t tell state secrets, they have to know that our three amigos will somehow get involved, and having prefect badges might come in handy. After all, one of V’s top priorities is killing Harry. V has to save what face he has.

Meanwhile, Harry is working out his priorities. It’s good that he has realized that he “don’t need no stinking badges.”

1 comment:

  1. I like the quote! It takes a muggle to think of something like that :) Don't write Ron off too soon. Yeah, he can make you crazy, but we love him. And I just added "muggle" to the computer dictionary.
