Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Classes and the classless Malfoy

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Chapter 5

Sir Percy needs to stop taking himself so seriously. That's no way to get others to take you seriously. Take Professor R.J. Lupin for instance. He obviously doesn't take himself too seriously, and as we learn in Chapter 7 he proves himself worthy to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts rather easily. He's quite the opposite of Gilderoy Lockhart, may he rest in peace wherever he is trying to regain his memory.

The ride to Hogwarts is going along quite nicely until a Dementor boards the train and Harry passes out. I'm sure that has meaning of some kind that has something to do with his scar or Voldemort or something else evil. And I'm sure we'll learn what it is in time.

I haven't a clue.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Chapter 6

It's easy to understand why the Divination class is so far away in the North Tower. The rest of the faculty certainly doesn't want to be around Sybill Trelawney having their fortune told every five minutes.

This reading of tea leaves sure sounds like an exact science. Sounds a lot looking at ink blots and telling the shrink what you see.

And to tell Harry that death is in his future? First of all, it's in everybody's future along with more taxes. Second, if you were going to predict the Grim, Harry is the obvious choice and everyone would believe it. The future is always best left unknown.

I agree with Hermione: "A lot of guesswork, if you ask me."

Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures class was much better. I hope he gets his job back and that Malfoy is one day proven to be the spoiled brat that he is.

I do have one question for Hagrid: "Do the hippogriffs have large talons?" (Fans of "Napoleon Dynamite will understand.)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Chapter 7

Yeah, I'd like to see Malfoy hunt down Sirius Black. Why? So he can run away scared. He gets mouthier by the year.

Anyway, Lupin turns out to be a teacher who is more interested in his students than himself. What a refreshing change.

The long battle with the boggart (not sure how that's pronounced) was an interesting narrative, but I'm not sure why it's important. I suppose Trelawney could tell me.

1 comment:

  1. Lupin is one of my favorite HP characters. Him, and the twins.
